Sunday, April 11, 2010

PSA sources:

1) I think it would be interesting to do a PSA on the color and shape symbolism present in the pepsi logo. after taking a serious look at the logo many details jump to my attention. items like the overall circular shape of the logo coupled with the use of two opposite colors (red and blue) seem to say that this soda represents the meeting ground of two extremes. Not only do these extremes meet, but the ying and yang of red and blue meet with a white line. White is a color that represents purity, enlightenment and paradise seemingly pointing to how pepsi is the utopia of sodas. The circular ring that encompasses the meeting of these harsh colors is white as well and can be interpreted several different ways. It is the depth of study that can be applied to this logo that makes me interested in its ability to be used to create a PSA.

2) My second choice for a PSA is the McDonaldization of America, specifically looking into the movie "Supersize Me". America as a whole has become entirely obsessed with larger portions and over eating. This has resulted in a culture that prizes speed and taste but looks down on the quality of the food they eat. Hence, America's level of obesity has drastically risen over the past decade. This movie outlines a look at this rise by eating McDonalds for one month straight and witnessing its side effects on the test subject's body. Comparing this to American Culture in the past decade would create a very interesting prompt.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Cold Resemblance

As stair into my fridge, looking at the items that clutter its small selves, I can't help but think about whether these seemingly insignificant items provide an accurate means by which people can judge my character. Items like the protein shakes that lay staggered throughout the masses of Powerade and Life Water blatantly point out that I enjoy working out and sports but neglect to reflect that I also absolutely detest breakfast and instead choose to substitute protein and electrolytes for the common grain and meat associated with the beginning of every day. The box shaped Styrofoam clam shell currently inhabiting most of my fridge with it's small sticker containing the reheating instructions for the leftover Bucca Di Deppo inside, shows my appreciation for other culture's cuisine and variety in life, but hides how much i appreciated eating there with my roommate's family because I could not celebrate Easter with my own. Looking at those same leftovers however, my naturally tendency toward forgetfulness and procrastination become noticeable as that box has remained there for an entire week without being touched(well past the 3 day expiration date) and continues to do so until the space is deemed necessary for other containers. So as far as being able to judge me from my fridge's contents, I think it depends how deeply you look. Each item can mean something different or nothing at all.