Friday, May 14, 2010

Since I currently don't have an multimedia editing software, I am just going to talk about this picture and what it says, because basically its what I was looking to make before I realized that I didn't have adobe photoshop. This image shows basically what I want my relationship with food to become. I want food to be something that I eat to sustain myself, not something that ties me down with a craving, but something that shows what my body can be and helps me to feel good, not like Im living in an endlessly slow world that tires way too easily. My relationship with food is one thats ever evolving. It sometimes exists as the temptress that wants me to enjoy its voluptuous taste but regret its unsightly side effects. while other times its the simple food that makes me feel rejuvenated and energized, a reaching arm that pulls me back into the fast paced life that I want to live. Regardless of what form food takes, I make it a personal goal to work it off everyday. So it would seem that my relationship with food is one of short lived meetings that end with the eventual consumption and reconstitution of whatever was consumed.


  1. this is a cool really shows the ideal way that food should interact with the human's tough, but that's what we all should strive for

  2. That's pretty cool. Goofy description, but cool image.

  3. nice picture... we all want to eat healthy, but we let ourselves go... This could be a nice motivational tool

  4. dude, you are hittin exactly what I first thought when I saw this pic. very nice
